On Demand Report Request

On Demand report request feature will helps to monitor the business from remote location, Report can be requested from any system/or mobile, Requested report will be delivered immediately through Dropbox.

    1. Install the Dropbox on system where InventoryPlus is installed and All Android/IPhone where you want to check the report from remote.
    2. Create the dropbox account or use the Google account to login to dropbox.  
    3. Login to portal here and use the Registration Id and Auth Code as User name and Password to login to portal using any system. This will works with Mobile as well.
    4. Connect to Dropbox account after login using Authenticate feature available
    5. Open the Software and Goto Report Scheduling, Click on Option button and Enable On demand report option and Enter the Dropbox path and Save, Thats it!.
    6. Request the report from URL provided in step 3, Report will be delivered to Dropbox Reports Folder,  Folder format will be "Reports-Registration ID", If your registration ID is 123 then report will be uploaded to Reports-123 folder.

Youtube URL : https://youtu.be/vYHVOaE0N0I


    1. On demand report request feature is available to only premium users.
    2. Install the Dropbox on InventoryPlus server system and all mobile system and login to same account used to authenticate the dropbox on portal.
    3. Install the Dropbox on InventoryPlus Server and all mobile device so Software will upload the generated report on Reports folder
    4. This feature is smart enough to generate the report only when INTERNET is connected.
    5. Use the Unlink button to logout the dropbox authentication from portal, Once after removing the link on portal report request will not works.
    6. All delivered reports history will be available at Report Scheduling -> Historical Report Runs Tab
    7. Configure the Email to send the email feature, Refer here for more details about how to configure email.