To automatically generate a purchase order based on supplier and reorder level of existing products.

Creating Auto Generate PO:        

1. In Home screen, Goto MORE option and select Auto Generate PO

2. Select the filter by product options and supplier

3. Enable the include only below reorder level quantity and purchase quantity or prior purchasing history

4. Select the date of the purchase order

5. Click Generate

6. Enter the quantity for the products and Save

7. Purchase order can be printed using Transactions screen.

8. Purchase order soft copy can be sent to supplier using Send Email feature available on Transaction screen in Purchase Order section.

9. Generated PO will import in purchase order transaction option

Purchase Order Auto Generation


1. For creating Auto generate PO need to set the reorder level and supplier name for products in product details->extra info.

2. You can extract the list of below Reorder level products in reports->summary and select the show only reorder qty option.