Vouchers entry
What is a Voucher?
A voucher is the basic recording document. To input any data into InventoryPlus, you must use a voucher. Inputting data through the voucher entry mode may be called creating a voucher or voucher entry. You may create a voucher on-line on InventoryPlus and print it for hard copy and authentication.
Receipt Entry
This section deals with creation of Receipt. Transactions accounting for money received are entered into InventoryPlus through the receipt voucher.
For example, your company receives money from a customer for an earlier transaction. The customer account has to be credited and if cash is received – debit the cash account. If cheque is received debit the bank account where you will deposit the money received.
Managing Receipt Entry:
1. In Home screen, Goto Voucher
2. By default receipt screen will open
3. Enter
Number.: The Number can be treated as your Receipt Voucher number. You may configure the voucher No. through Setting. Enter existing Receipt No. to Modify existing Receipt.
To: Select the Transaction type, (Cash/Back Account).
Particulars: you can enter narration about the transaction
4. Press add to add new Row. Use shortcut [Alt]+[a].
5. Select
Ledger Name : After Pressing add button InventoryPlus create blank row to select the created account ledger. Enter transaction amount in amount column
6. Click on Save to Save the Transaction
For Editing and Deleting the voucher
1. Goto Transaction and select the receipt bill by filtering date or Ledger name or voucher number.
2. Delete : Press Delete to Delete selected row. Use shortcut [Alt]+[d]. and also after selecting the receipt bill if you want to delete the some entries in
the bill, click 'X' symbol to delete the line items.
Payment Entry
This section deals with creation of Payment. When we pay amount in cash or any other manner to others we record these type of transaction in Payment Voucher.
For example, the company settles expenses of conveyance, staff welfare, postage and stationery through cash – all in one voucher. Remaining Entry all are same as above receipt entry method.
Managing Payment Entry:
1. In Home screen, Goto Voucher
2. Click on Payment option
3. Enter
Number.: The Number can be treated as your Payment Voucher number. You may configure the voucher No. through Setting. Enter existing Payment No. to Modify existing Payment.
To: Select the Transaction type, (Cash/Back Account).
Particulars: you can enter narration about the transaction
4. Press add to add new Row. Use shortcut [Alt]+[a].
5. Select
Ledger Name : After Pressing add button InventoryPlus create blank row to select the created account ledger. Enter transaction amount in amount column
6. Click on Save to Save the Transaction
For Editing and Deleting the voucher
1. Goto Transaction and select the Payment voucher by filtering date or Ledger name or voucher number.
2. Delete
- To delete a entire voucher, Press Delete voucher. Use shortcut [Alt]+[d].
- For deleting a line item: after selecting the Payment voucher click 'X' symbol to delete the line items.
Journal Entry
This section deals with creation of Receipt. InventoryPlus Home->Voucher ->Journal, we get the journal entry screen. journal/contra transactions can be entered using InventoryPlus journal entry Voucher.
For example, the company settles expenses of conveyance, staff welfare, postage and stationery through cash – all in one voucher.
Journal entries are used in instances where the company requires to adjust the debit and credit amounts without involving the cash or bank accounts. Hence, they are referred to as adjustment entries.
For example, there may be entries made for interest accrued or interest to be paid. If a party is involved in such a transaction – the entry will be Party to Interest Account.
Press Add button add New Row. Press Delete button to delete the Selected Row. Press Save ledger to save and print the Journal Details.
Sales due invoices
This section deals with managing the due of a customer against the sale invoice.
Managing the sales due invoice:
1. In home screen click Voucher menu (ctrl+Alt+V)
2. In voucher, click sales due invoice option
3. Enter sales due invoice number, date, To(its a transaction type, cash/bank) and particulars
4. Select the customer
5. After selecting the customer, all the due bills of the customer will displayed
6. Then enter the amount
7. Click save to save the transaction
you can search the old transaction by filtering the date, ledger name and invoice number.
Purchase due invoices
This section deals with managing the due payment for the supplier against the invoice of the supply items.
Managing the purchase due invoice:
1. In home screen click Voucher menu (ctrl+Alt+V)
2. In voucher, click purchase due invoice option
3. Enter Purchase due invoice number, date, To(its a transaction type, cash/bank) and particulars
4. Select the supplier
5. After selecting the supplier, all the due bills will displayed
6. Then enter the amount
7. Click save to save the transaction
you can search the old transaction by filtering the date, ledger name and invoice number.
- Ledger Name list will be populated with all account created in Account details screen. refer how to create the accounting ledger here
- Edit the voucher, enter old voucher No. and hit enter to open the existing voucher No. in edit mode for modification.
- If need to open old transaction, in transaction option select the voucher by filtering the number, date and ledger name.
- Journal Entry should be used for Cash submitted to bank or Cash withdraw from bank ledger transactions.