Frequently Asked Questions

Subscription & Support

  1. Is InventoryPlus is free software? >> InventoryPlus is free for personal and training purpose. No need to buy the software (as like other software), Install the software start running the business, Pay as you go subscription we are offering to run the business without any commitments with very low ownership cost!.

  1. What is the price of the subscription and what is the different between basic/advanced/premium subscription? >> Refer here for more details above subscription and plan, Premium subscription included all features.

  1. What happens to subscription if I reinstall or change the system? is it required to buy again? >> Before reinstall or change the system use the deactivate feature to deactivate the subscription. After deactivate the subscription you can activate it again on new system without any issues.

  1. Software start with 999INR/20USD per year, Is it real? Really we can get the software in this price? or any hidden charge is involved? >> We have the pair price policy, Our aim is the give quality software with reasonable price so small shop can afford it. There is no hidden charge.

  1. What about support? >> We have the dedicated support team working in IST timing, If you have any query or support question you can send email.  We will be giving the on-line support. We will be supporting our active user who purchased advanced and premium subscription.

  1. What is the ticket? >>  If you need additional support then required to buy the ticket, usually regular support will be provided to our users as per mentioned in subscription plan. Each ticket involves the 30 minutes of supports. Advanced and above subscription comes with predefined support ticket. Provided ticket is good enough for regular usage. If you are new to computer and if you need more support then you can buy the tickets so you will be getting additional support as request.

  1. My system works on off-line, Is it possible to register the software once after purchase the subscription ? >> Yes it is possible. once after purchase the subscription you will be getting on-line activation email, You can request for off-line activation using email. refer here for more details

  1. What type of subscription is recommended usually ? >> Go for lifetime subscription, no need to renewal each year. If your budget is limited then go for yearly subscription.

  1. How to connect activate client as i have activated server on provided subscription details ? >>  It will support client and server installation, Install software on server and client. Purchase the subscription for server, connect to server from client refer here. Update the server IP address and port will auto activate the subscription in clients.

General questions :

  1. InventoryPlus support off-line installation? >> Yes, InventoryPlus can be installed on any systems and Internet connection is not required to operate. All data will be store locally on specified server or system.

  1. What about data security? >>  We are giving the high priority to data security, All data will be secured with industry standard encrypted, It can not be decrypted and shared so data will be highly secured. Database will be stored on your system so there is no data security issues exists.

  1. Hardware recommendation ? >> There is no specific hardware recommended to use InventoryPlus, It will works on all system, Refer here for hardware recommendation.

  1. I am not an expert in computer; will I be able to do the installation by my own? >>  InventoryPlus Installation is Simple. Run setup.exe and fallow the instruction given by installation package.  Detailed instruction and video provided at how to install the InventoryPlus If you want to use InventoryPlus in Network systems/multiple terminal/multiple system then refer Network configuration topic.

  1. Is InventoryPlus is on-line software, Is it possible to use in network ? >> InventoryPlus is the windows software and it should be installed on any of server/computer, It work on-line/off-line mode. Refer Network Configuration topic for more details.  Maintain database file on server, Connect to server from other client system and share the same database is possible.

  1. Will this module ready for any future software upgrading? >>  InventoryPlus will always do its R&D and always trying to maximize the usage of computer in industry.

  1. Is InventoryPlus Is Portable, What is Mean ? >> InventoryPlus Company file is Portable. Just Copy .ims extension file to where ever you want.

  1. How to get the details of new release or event happening ? >>  Like our facebook page to get all updates on InventoryPlus software.

  1. Will this program affect my other program performance, such as interruption on network connectivity? >> InventoryPlus is well designed in such a way it is a passive type of program which do not take much of your computer resources and never affect your network connectivity.

  1. New to InventoryPlus software, how to get training or learn this application? >> We have quick start tutorials for new users. Refer here, We have video tutorials, start with quick start video tutorial


  1. InventoryPlus is barcode ready package? Is it support all barcode scanner. >> Yes, InventoryPlus is barcode ready Products. It supports the all industry standard barcode scanner.

  1. Sales bill or any other reports customization is possible? >>  InventoryPlus support the editing the sales bill format, Click here to know more about Manage reports. Editing the report you can contact the support team. Our team will support the customization of sales bill as per company branding, If you have any pre-printed sales bill then we will support to enable the format as request. This request will be charged.

  1. How to change the currency? >> Configure the currency refer the help topic Currency Settings

  1. Software support sales billing? >> Yes, refer the Sales entry topic. Software built with A4 and Thermal role bill format. It can be selected from settings -> Defaults -> Sales defaults settings screen. If any custom format is required then InventoryPlus supports sales bill customization but it should be done by raising the ticket.

  1. Sales Invoice and receipt customization is possible? >> Yes, You can edit the sales invoice as per your requirements using manage report section. Editing the bill is simple and easy. If you are beginner then you can get our assistance on nominal charge. We will be charging based on your requirements. If small changes is required then we will be helping free for cost for our premium subscriber.  

  1. What is the default user name and password for new company created or opened demo company? >> Refer the topic Create a new company for more details about login credentials.

  1. When i created the new company, system will show the company My company 2016-2017. it is valid only for 1 year? >> System will create encrypted company file for each financial year. End of the year you have to create the new financial file from existing company file, All balance and stock details will be carry forwarded to new company. Refer how to create the new financial year topic for more details.

  1. InvenotryPlus support Barcode scanner and Barcode label printing? >> Yes InventoryPlus supports all industry standard barcode scanner and label printing with various options. Refer the topic how to use barcode in InventoryPlus and Barcode label printing. System support standard format (36 sticker in A4 page) sticker printing, Contact support team for any other customization required in label printing.

  1. How to hide the InventoryPlus copyright found at home screen? >> Avail any support plan to hide the Eula and other informations, Company logo and address will be displayed instead of copyright message, refer Membership Registration

  1. Sales bill is not printing, what might be the reason, Any printer configuration is required to print the bill and reports? >>  Sales bill will be printed on printer selected in setting page, Open setting page -> Defaults -> Sales defaults settings, Select the printer from "Sales bill printing printer",  "Print enabled" should be selected. System default printer will be used for all other InventoryPlus reports.

  1. In sales pressing on print button is displaying print preview, is it possible to print directly to printer on click on save button? >>  Yes, It is possible, Required to select the desired printer to print the sales bill, Un check the Print Preview option from Settings -> Defaults -> Sales Default section.

  1. Software support sales invoice due bill tracking payment details? >>  Yes, software will support due bill tracking. refer here for more details.

  1. How to manage the goods based on Batch Number/Serial number? >>  Refer this topic for more details about how to track goods on batch number or serial number.

  1. Application support to track the expiry date of goods? >>  Refer this topic for more details about how to track the expiry date.

  1. Is it possible to generate easy sales invoice with less keystroke? >> Yes you can generate the sales bill with less then 2 key stroke. refer here for shortcut keys.

  1. Required to enter all database or any ready to start database collections are available? >> We are providing the wide range of database collection for many business. Refer here for download database.

  1. Software has built in backup and restore feature? >> Yes, Software has backup and restore feature.

  1. Software support generation customer and vendor transaction ledger? >> software support accounting module as well, you can generate transaction report by opening the Accounting reports

  1. Is it support GST/VAT taxation? >>  Our software support GST, Vat and NILL tax system as well. This is designed and used in many countries. Refer here for taxation.

  1. Support GST extract for Indian users? >> Yes InventoryPlus support extraction of GSTR1 as per government recommendations.  

  1. Software is POS Ready? >> InventoryPlus is POS ready. It will support touch screen thanks to our touch enabled theme.

  1. Software support multiple users and permission? >> Yes, you can create any number of users and permission as per requirements. Refer here for more details.

  1. What is plug-in? >>  Plug-in will help to extend the inventoryplus usage to next level. We will be keep-on updating the latest feature, this will be available as plug-in.

  1. Is it possible to maintain the accounting ledgers? >>  InventryPlus support Vouchers, using that you can manage all accounting ledgers payment and receipt, journal entry.

  1. Software customization is possible on request? >> Yes, Software customization can be done as per request. Contact InventoryPlus support team.

  1. InventoryPlus supports any local language/Culture? if yes how to get the local language support? >> InventoryPlus supports all language and culture, by default we have enabled some predefined language which we are good in. We are ready to support widely used language. Contact support team if any local language support is required.

  1. Home screen tiles are not visible now why? >> Home screen tiles will be visible only on server system, Connected client cannot display the tiles. If you have created other then admin user then you need to add "Show Tiles on home screen" role.

  1. How to Hide the home screen tiles for specific logged in user? >> Tiles will be showed to user who has access to  "Show Tiles on home screen"  role, Goto Others -> Users, select the user and select the "Show Tiles on home screen" role. This will show the Tiles on home screen when user logged in.